

1, 2, 3....Vamonos

Hello World and Happy Halloween!!! I wanted to make my first post a memorable one and start my journey into Blog land on a very significant day to me...Halloween!!!

See, where I'm from right around this day we observe "El Dia de Los Muertos". It is not a joyful day like in this part of the world, is very solemn, no parties, no candy, no costumes...just a day to remember those who were once very important to us but now are gone yet still,  live in our hearts.

So when I got to a place when on the same date all these fun things were happening around me, I just went crazy! Like a kid in a candy store I wanted it all!!! The witches, the vampires, the pumpkins the candy. I was in paradise. And I've been hooked ever since. Granted my budget limits my imagination, I try to make the most of my resources and decorate my home with the things I enjoy the most!

Everything goes when it comes to my decor, witches, bats, long as it flows it works for me! and every year I try to deliver something different...even if it's just moving one thing form the usual place!

So folks, that is the story of  how I became fascinated with Halloween and how much I love all the magic  of the month of October ! Oh house is ready for all goblins, witches and warlocks since the first day of the we can enjoy it for 31 wonderful days! I hope you all have a great Halloween Night and stick with me on this new broom ride wherever it will take me! Good Night and Happy Hauntings.



  1. Welcome to blogland! What a wonderful post. I love it too, I think it is getting a chance to dress up and play a part. I love the Day of the Dead sculptures I see in Mexico and would have a couple, but don't think I could get them home without breaking. Your staircase is out of this world! I am going to have to try that next year. Enjoy blogging!!!!

    1. Jacqueline what an honor to have you as the first person to comment and perhaps view my blog! I'm beyond happy with the fact that you, a person I deeply admire has taken the time to drop a note and such a warm welcome! Thank You so much!

  2. I had to come see your very first post, Lizy. What a nice, and interesting, way to celebrate Halloween. I vaguely remember hearing of this before and it seems very special. Your home looks go all out girl! You and I would have so much fun decorating together!

    Welcome to blogland!!!


    1. Nancy I'm so happy that you have taken time from your busy schedule to come and visit my first post! It's such a sweet gesture! Thank You for your words of encouragement! And yes...most likely we would have a blast decorating together...and shopping!!! leaving very little time to cook, clean and all that boring stuff, LOL Big Hug Nancy!!!
