

Thai Coconut Curry Shrimp Recipe

Hola Amigos, I hope you had a great weekend among family and friends celebrating Thanksgiving and now are ready to embrace the coming Holidays full of energy and patience! Yes patience as the Holiday Season approaches, we need to arm ourselves with an extra dose just in case someone out of nowhere takes our parking spot that we were waiting on for the last 5 , in case we can't find "the it" toy the store guaranteed it will be in stock when you called earlier, in case you can't find that one bad bulb which is keeping your whole strand of lights in the dark!!!

This week I'm looking over my Pinterest Boards for some inspiration starting with dinner. I think my family had enough turkey for now so I found this delicious recipe for Thai Coconut Curry here at  Group Recipes. I tweaked it a little bit to make it more to our liking and it was a hit! This is my version of the original.

Thai Coconut Curry Shrimp

3 TBS of  Olive Oil or Butter
1 Medium Onion Chopped
2 Cloves of Garlic choppend
3 Tsps of your favorite Curry Spice
1/2 Cup of Water
1/2 Cup Diced of Potatoes and 1/2 Cup of Diced Carrots
1 Pound of Cooked Shrimp (if you prefer uncooked it's ok too)
1 Can Unsweetened coconut milk
1/2 Cup heavy whipping cream
Parsley or Green Onions
 Pinch of Cinnamon (optional)

In a skillet heat Olive Oil or Butter. Add the Medium Chopped Onion until they start turning transparent. Add the Garlic and cook another minute or two, being careful for it not to burn. To help cooking without adding more fat to the recipe,  you can add a bit of your 1/2 cup of Water as needed.
Add your Curry Spice, Mix and add a bit more water to the mix if it starts getting too lumpy. Cook for about 5 minutes stirring constantly. Remember is important for the mix not to burn

It's time now to add the Can of Coconut  Milk and Diced Potatoes and Carrots. Season the  Mix with Salt to taste and a Pinch of Cinnamon. I diced them very small so they cook faster. Cook at medium heat until vegetables are cooked. If you are in a hurry, by all means use canned vegetables. It will reduce the cook time immensely since you basically would keep it in the stove long enough for the ingredients to heat up.

Once the veggies are cooked, add the Shrimp and the Heavy Whipping Cream, stir until thickened. and remove from heat. Garnish it with Parsley or Green Onions.

Serve over white rice and enjoy. 

Remember, everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love


Joining these Fabulous Parties:
Rattlebridge Farm
Dear Emmeline
The Shabby Creek Cottage


  1. Liked it so much I posted it on my site Stir Pot! LOL

    1. Thank You George! Try it, you would love it! Very simple to make and tastes yummy :0)

  2. This looks delicious...thanks for linking up to Saturday Dishes. Next week we will be featuring casseroles. I hope you'll join us then, too. I am new to your site and will take some time to learn it. Thanks! Savannah

    1. Thank You Savannah! I'll be happy to stop by with a tasty dish for you and your guests. Beautiful to have you visit the blog!

  3. oh man, I need this now! ~ Paula

  4. Dropping by from Saturday Dishes! This sounds so good!! I love the dish too:) Now following on GFC Have a Great Weekend~ Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

    1. Thank You Lynn, such a thrilled to have you fallow my blog now...I've been a fan of your blog for quite a while now ;0)

  5. This sounds absolutely amazing! I am a huge thai curry fan and I love anything with coconut milk - that stuff is awesome! And that lobster plate is so cute! Can't wait to try this!

    ~Jen @ Yummy Healthy Easy

  6. Thank you for sharing this at FF! Pinned!
