

Chocolatines de Navidad=Christmas Brownies

Just in time for the Holidays I came across this recipe and what's even better I had every single ingredient handy! Isn't that perfect? Yes it Is!!!! Very simple and quick to make, you will be waiting more for them to bake and cool, than for them to disappear right before your eyes! They are very hard to put down and you will be coming back for just one more bite.

Without further ado here is the recipe:

M&M's Christmas Brownies

1 8oz package of Cream Cheese
1 egg
1/8 cup of Milk
1/3 cup of Sugar
1 Package of Brownie Mix of your preference, Cake style is preferred.
1/2 cup  Milk M&M's
1/4 cup Marshmallows (optional)

These are Milk M&M's but Almond or Peanut would be great too!
I found that Marshmallows give Brownies extra gooey texture!

Heat your oven at 350 degrees. In a mixing bowl mix the Brownie mix according to instructions. Pour 2/3 of the mix in a parchment paper covered 9x13 baking mold. Drop the 1/4 cup of Marshmallows all over the Brownie mix. Set aside.

By the time I had to add the Marshmallows I think only a few were left! LOL

In a separate bowl, mix the Cream Cheese, Egg, Milk, Sugar until everything is well blended. Pour this mix over the mold containing the Brownie and Marshmallows. Try to cover as much area as possible.

Pour the rest of the brownie mix and with a fork or a knife scrape the surface to create a marble look a like look.

Add the 1/2 cup of M&M's spread all over your brownie/cream cheese mix and place it in the oven for 40-45 minutes until spongy but after testing it with a knife in the middle comes out clean.

It can get any easier and delicious than this!
Have them with a glass of milk or a cup of your favorite coffee! Yummy!

The layer of Cream Cheese, just puts them in a whole new category of sweet and savory morsel!

Give this little guys a try! You will love them as much as my family does!

This is going to be my last post until Christmas! Wishing you all Peace, Love, Harmony and Health! Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas!

And remember, everything tastes better with a pinch of Love!



  1. Yum! These look and sound delicious! I'm pinning to use next year! Visiting from Let's Mingle!

  2. Hi Jenny! thank You! give them a try, the cream cheese makes them addictive!

  3. These look so yummy! If it has cream cheese, I'm making it. :) Thank you so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent! So thrilled to have you. I love your blog. Your newest G+ and FB follower.


  4. What wonderful looking brownies, Lizy! They're pretty too. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe.


  5. These brownies look lovely and I agree.....SO delicious!!
