

Tilapia Filets with Coconut Milk Recipe

Hola Amigos...I'm going a little exotic here! I'm exploring a new dish from an exotic nation in Africa. I'm talking about the West African country of Togo! According to my research, Republique Togolaise, got it's independence from France in April 27th. 1960and while french remains it's official language some other African languages are spoken as well. Togolese cuisine is a combination of French and African cuisine, with a vast use of  maize, rice with sauces, fish, plantains, cassava and spiced with chilli.

If you are wondering why am I exploring this multicultural cuisine today is because I want to introduce you to another great lady I've meet in my 6 months of blogging! Her name is +Marlys Folly , author and blogger at This and That.  A native Canadian, Marlys met her husband in Togo, Africa where she started her journey into African Cuisine. She is an awesome cook as you will see when you visit her blog, not only of African dishes but all kinds of Goodies! She is also a very given soul and always has words of encouragement for you! A great Photographer and host of Foodie Friends Fridays, Marlys is the kind a blogger you love no matter what is she writing about.
This is my first try at African Cuisine so Marlys I hope you and your hubs forgive me if I didn't get something right or misspelled the whole french part of the recipe didn't give me to many specifics so here we go!

Tilapia Fillets with Coconut Milk
Filets de Tilapia au Lait de Coco
6 Tilapia Fillets
1 (14 oz) Can coconut milk
2 plantains peeled cut in little diamond shapes
1 TBSP grated fresh ginger
3 Cloves of Garlic peeled and chopped
2 onion peeled and finely chopped
1 small hot chilli sliced into thing strips
salt and freshly ground pepper

Season the Tilapia fillets  with salt and pepper and a little bit of olive oil as to marinate. Set aside.
In a large skillet heat oil and fry the onions and garlic for 5 minutes at medium heat (not to burn), then add ginger and plantains, cook for about 5 more minutes. Add coconut milk and bring to a boil.  Cover and cook for 25-30 minutes on medium heat, stirring occasionally.
 In a frying pan or skillet,  fry  the Tilapia fillets until they are nicely brown on both sides.
Transfer the fillets to the pan with the sauce and cook for 5 minutes. A few minutes before serving add the chilli.
Serve with white rice and a side of greens.

It was so good! We all had seconds!

The Plantains give the dish texture and an unexpected element of sweetness to play with the heat of the chilli!

For dessert we had Togo Bananas, super quick and easy to make just add 1 TBSP of butter, brown sugar, a bit of lemon and Tumeric! Put in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes and ready, add a bit of chopped nuts for crunch and have yourself a delicious sweet ending to a wonderful meal!

 Delicious! and that color...all natural thanks to the Tumeric! Wow!

Hope you enjoy my exotic dish today! I sure had a blast learning and exploring new flavors from a different culture and  remember no matter where you are from or where you are,  everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love!


Bringing Exotic Flavors to these Fabulous Parties:
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Under the Table and Dreaming


  1. That sounds amazing!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Lizy, this recipe sounds wonderful. I am going to have to try it. I will check with my husband and see if he has eaten anything like this. Also thank you for the wonderful words and shout out. You are a wonderful person and I am glad that I have had the pleasure to meet you. Sharing this on my page...

    1. Hi Marlys! I'm glad you liked the recipe and I'm nervous now you are going to ask your husband, lol!!!I wish I could do more to thank you for your support and encouragement throughout these 6 months! Looking forward to more and perhaps if you come and visit your husband while he is here in Mi we can plan a get together! Much love, Lizy

  3. I love plantains! I know that isn't the feature of the recipe, but plantains make me happy. :) I'm headed over to visit Marlys. Thank you for the share.

  4. Hey Chica, you are a master as always!!! Just perfect!!! Of course I pinned it!!
    Just dropping in from Lets Get Social Sunday to thank you for always joining in and supporting us:))


  5. I was just thinking about tilapia the other day - how I used to make it all the time but then began favoring salmon. Okay, so now I think I'm going to try this recipe because it sure looks great! Of course, your photography would make a rubber chicken look savory!

  6. This looks delicious! Thanks for sharing at Fluster's Creative Muster Party!

    Fluster Buster

  7. A really simple and super flavorful dish... love the coconut milk,

  8. Yum! This looks so simple and delicious. Thanks for sharing at Pinworthy projects.

  9. Saw this on the Favorite Post Blog Hop( Which I am co-hosting) This looks delicous I think I might put it in my recipe book

  10. Your fish looks so flakey and delicious! Thank you for sharing on Simple Supper Tuesday.

  11. Oh, that looks yummy! I love tilapia! :) As one of the co-hosts from the My Favorite Posts Weekend SHOW OFF Party! I wanted to personally thank you for linking up with us & to invite you to add me to your G+ circles or follow me on Twitter or Facebook as I’ve done the same with you. Also, I run a link party on my food blog, Anyonita Nibbles where you can link up recipes or food related posts. This week’s party is here:
