

Lemon Chicken Recipe

Hola amigos and Happy First Friday of 2013! I don't make New Year's Resolutions, but since I have to be a little more organized now that I have my little blog I hereby  resolve to have quick recipes on the last day of the workweek in case you decide to stay in and whip something quick for the family or if you just want to chill out on the weekend with friends and treat them to something that will have them thinking you spent hours cooking but it was actually put together in a snap! I apologize in advanced for the picture quality, my little camera is giving me a bit of a hard time lately..hopefully she was temperamental last night, LOL!!!

Our First Quicky Friday makes it's debut with a Lemon Chicken Dish! A taste of those sunny days of summer we are missing so much now that it's so cold outside! Vamonos!!!!!

Lemon Chicken
1 1/4 pounds of Chicken Tenders

I can Condensed Chicken Soup
1 Lemon
(we need 1 Tablespoon of Lemon Juice)
1 Tablespoon of Paprika

2 Tablespoons of Water
1/2 Tablespoon of oil
1/4 cup or Green or Red Bell Peppers

Parsley for Garnish

Place your chicken in a skillet and brown it with a 1/2 Tablespoon of oil.

Once your chicken is browned, add the can of Chicken Soup, Paprika, Water, Lemon Juice and Bell Peppers. Cooked covered for 5 minutes in low heat until your chicken is completely done.
Garnish it with Lemon slices and chopped Parsley!


Well wasn't that easy and fast? Total cooking time, 15-20 minutes give and take! And the taste...Delicious!!! It will be a hit among big and small! By now you now me, If I don't have rice I don't feel I'm eating, so I served mine with white rice, but you could serve it with baked potatoes or steamed broccoli as well!

So how about this dish for our First Quicky Friday Ever? It will depend on You, my dear amigos, if you want to see more of these 1,2,3, recipes throughout the year! So leave a comment, let me know what would you like me to try cooking for you, and spread the word among your friends..remember our blog is just starting and we need Hungry People!!!!

Remember no matter if it takes 1 hour or 15 minutes...Everything Tastes Better with a Pinch Of Love!


Sharing some Quicky Deliciousness at these Fabulous Parties:
My Turn (for us)
Nanny to Mommy


  1. Awesome Blog...i am looking forward to all your posts. Love the purple btw.

    1. Thank You!!! You know I'm crazy about purple!!!!

  2. trying to post....
    have had to start over 3 times. hope this one works. love the blog and the purple..its totally you.

    1. Thank You Rebecca, still working on a few technical issues! Appreciate your perseverance! Welcome to the Blog girl!

  3. I really like the idea of a quick recipe at the end of the week! I'm always looking for fast, easy to cook recipes, and this chicken dish sounds great (and a little healthier than my smothered chicken lol)!

    1. LOL...I still love your chicken and I'm sure my hubs will love it too!!! Will keep you posted on how it went..clean plates and all! Thanks for visiting!

  4. this looks great! Found you at the power of pinterest party!

  5. Thank You Micki! Let me know if you make it and like it!
